
Showing posts from January, 2021

Discussion of Germ Theory in English and Serbian

Click here to listen to audio file of discussion

Personal Experiences following Cvd vaccination

Click hear to read first hand accounts of the consequences of covid vaccination

Euthanasia drug used to "treat" covid patients - hospital deaths and the use of extreme dosages.

One of the main elements driving people's acceptance of, or even demand for, oppressive and unhealthy measures to deal with the alleged pandemic is the the fact that "people are dying".  Many have experience of a loved one, friend or acquaintance who has died in hospital in harrowing circumstances. To raise any question about the dominant view of the nature of covid is seen as an insult to the memory of such folk, and to the brave health workers who fought to save their lives. I suppose those who cannot break out of that mindset will not even have read this far. Those who have, however, may be open to the possibility that getting out of our predicament may involve stepping outside such an emotional and mental framework for a while in order to get a fresh perspective. To help in this process I will enlist the aid of observations made by Dr Claus Kƶhnlein, an experienced clinician who practices in Kiel, Germany, and describes himself as "a very orthodox internal medica...

Disease is a vital process, not an entity.

 The Unity of Normal and Abnormal Processes  Vol. XXXIV March, 1973 No. 8  The Unity of Normal and Abnormal Processes  Herbert M. Shelton  Most of the early Hygienists held to the principle of the unity of disease. Jennings and Nichols were perhaps the most outspoken in affirming this principle. Jennings was not the first to suggest that the seeming multiplicity of diseases represents a unity. Dr. Benjamin Rush, who was Surgeon General of the Continental Armies during the Revolutionary War, stressed the importance of the principle. Samuel Thompson, founder of the medical system known as Physiomedicalism made the principle a fundamental part of his system. Dr. Samuel Dickson, of England, founder of the medical system known as Chrono-thermalism, published his book The Unity of Disease in 1838. He later defended this theory in his book, Fallacies of the Faculty. The allopathic medical profession rejected the principle of unity of disease 75 and adhered to the noti...

Official CDC figures indicate near 3% serious adverse responses to Pfizer covid vaccine + Deaths and other severe harm resulting from Cvd vaccine reported to CDC

Official CDC figures indicate that 2.8% of the recipients of the first dose of the Pfizer Covid vaccine suffered "health impact events", i.e. they were "unable to perform normal daily activities, unable to work, required care from doctor or health care professional". Does is it make sense to take that risk to avoid an alleged "disease" which often has no symptoms (!!!), has a recovery rate over 99% and for which most of the deaths it is said to cause are those of very old people?  See page 6 of this document: ALSO The VAERS system for reporting adverse response to vaccines is voluntary and underused, some say does not even indicate 1% of the actual adverse reactions. The access method is pretty cumbersome, but someone still managed to extract the fact that people have died as a result of taking the covid vaccination. .

Links Video: Where did flu go in in 2020?  Response to enquiry about toothache in Facebook group, Terrain Model refutes Germ Theory: I've been keeping toothache out of my life since the summer using high calcium sources (e.g. chia, peanuts, organic egg shells) and comfrey root (symphytum) tea. I found this solution on youTube. A traditional name of comfrey is "knit-bone" because it helps in bone repair and reconstruction. I brew a tea of comfrey root once or twice a day, combining it with the said foods, and my teeth feel great - amazing. Some regression if the routine breaks or I consume too much sweet food.

Brilliant analysis of cvd economic mechanism with 2.6 million views taken down by youTube

I was directed to this video by the youTube channel Adrian yesterday. It had over 2.6 million views, 66k likes (compared to less than 2k dislikes) and over 11000 comments (the ones I could see at the top were all positive). It was taken down this afternoon for "violating youTube community guidelines", but this upload with a lower profile has so far survived. It's a brilliant analysis of the economic mechanism at work behind project Covid. There is a (still to be  completed) transcript below the video.  Here's a key passage: "We have 100 small businesses on main Street in a community. You declare them unessential, shut them down. Suddenly Amazon Walmart and the big box stores can come in and take away all the market share. In the meantime people on main Street have to keep paying off their credit cards or their mortgage so they are in a debt entrapment, and they are desperate to get cash flow to cover basically their debts and their daily expenses. In the meantime...

Scientific and anecdotal evidence that disease is not transmitted by microbes

The stubborn historical fact is that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that disease can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one by means of microbes. All experimentation focused on this question has shown the contrary. In his book, "The Hygienic System, Volume VI, Orthopathy", Dr H M Shelton presents various illustrations of this reality, including: a failed attempt at murder by feeding the victim with germ cultures of deadly diseases a professor swallowing a glass full of cholera bacilli in front of his students without any subsequent ill effect the doctor who succumbed to no disease despite being inoculated and fed with every manner of "pathogenic" germ extensive experimentation over an eight year period in Toronto involving feeding and/or swabbing the nasal cavity, mouth, throat etc with large quantities of diphtheria, typhoid, meningitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis germs, without any success in causing disease in the healthy subjects extensiv...