The stubborn historical fact is that there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that disease can be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy one by means of microbes. All experimentation focused on this question has shown the contrary. In his book, "The Hygienic System, Volume VI, Orthopathy", Dr H M Shelton presents various illustrations of this reality, including: a failed attempt at murder by feeding the victim with germ cultures of deadly diseases a professor swallowing a glass full of cholera bacilli in front of his students without any subsequent ill effect the doctor who succumbed to no disease despite being inoculated and fed with every manner of "pathogenic" germ extensive experimentation over an eight year period in Toronto involving feeding and/or swabbing the nasal cavity, mouth, throat etc with large quantities of diphtheria, typhoid, meningitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis germs, without any success in causing disease in the healthy subjects extensiv...