Brilliant analysis of cvd economic mechanism with 2.6 million views taken down by youTube
I was directed to this video by the youTube channel Adrian yesterday. It had over 2.6 million views, 66k likes (compared to less than 2k dislikes) and over 11000 comments (the ones I could see at the top were all positive). It was taken down this afternoon for "violating youTube community guidelines", but this upload with a lower profile has so far survived.
It's a brilliant analysis of the economic mechanism at work behind project Covid. There is a (still to be completed) transcript below the video. Here's a key passage:
"We have 100 small businesses on main Street in a community. You declare them unessential, shut them down. Suddenly Amazon Walmart and the big box stores can come in and take away all the market share. In the meantime people on main Street have to keep paying off their credit cards or their mortgage so they are in a debt entrapment, and they are desperate to get cash flow to cover basically their debts and their daily expenses. In the meantime you have the federal reserve institute a form of quantitative easing, where they're buying corporate bonds, and the guys who are taking up the market share can basically finance at 0 to 1% or their banks can, when everybody on main Street is paying 16 to 17% on their credit cards without income, so basically now you've got them over a barrel and you and you can take away their market share market share and generally they can't afford to do what they say because they are too busy trying to find money to feed their kids."
My name is Catherine Austin Fitts I'm the publisher of the solari report and managing director of Solari investment advisory services
What do you think is happening economically as a result of all this?
I just published a huge study called the state of our currencies and what I described is the fact that for many decades the dollar has been the reserve currency and the system is what I would describe as long in the tooth and the central bankers are trying to bring in a new system but it's not ready to go yet. We are in a period of great change and uncertainty where the central bankers are trying to keep the dollar going. They're trying to lengthen the dollar system and then they're trying to accelerate bringing in a new system and they have to bring in the new system without anyone quite realising exactly what it is. So we've had a global currency system, the dollar, and it needs to evolve and change and it's long in the tooth – there's lots of unhappiness with the system. The central bankers are trying to bring a new system and to do it, they are trying to extend the old and accelerate the new and it makes it a very chaotic thing, since much of the new is being tested and tried and prototyped and it involves many different industries, so I describe the new system as the end of currencies
We are not bringing in a new currency we are essentially bringing in a new transaction system that will be all digital and will essentially and currencies as we know them. So what they are trying to do involved essentially all the money on the planet. It's big, it's complicated and it's messy and the challenge they have is how do you market a system that if people understood it nobody would want.
Of course (chuckle) the way you do that is with a healthcare crisis.
Why is a healthcare crisis good for that?
Because if a few people want to control the many the question is how can you herd all the sheep into the slaughterhouse without them realising and resisting. The perfect thing is invisible enemies, so we had the war on terrorism (laughs) with invisible terrorists and now a virus is perfect because it's invisible. You can't prove that it doesn't exist because it's invisible. So invisible enemies are always the preferred one(s), particularly if they scare people. If you can use fear and introduce significant fear, then people will need government to protect them from the invisible enemy.
Then the second tactic which is very effective is divide and conquer and in the meantime if you can use the media, the media plays a very important role. If you can turn men and women against each other and black and white against each other. One of the reasons you import a lot of immigrants into Europe is to turn the general population against the immigrants and then you need government in the middle.
Whether it's dividing tactic or invisible enemies, these are always to institute fear and get people to go along with things, and of course the invisible virus allows you to do enormous control mechanisms.You can stop people from gathering, you can stop people from organising, you can stop people from getting together and talking about what's going on etc etc. and if you digitise it with contact tracing then you can control who's talking to whom. If you can get them to do all their work and education online you can literally listen to everything they are saying. So you can institute extraordinary amounts of surveillance all in the theory that we are protecting you (laughter) from the invisible virus.
It's very clever and as you can see it's working with many people, not everybody, but many people, so, to me, and I don't want to underestimate the ability of the leadership to introduce pathogens that will kill people and I don't want to suggest that people aren't getting sick, but essentially what you are trying to do is you are trying to get people to buy into a solution before they see where it is ultimately gonna go. Because you are talking about a transaction system that is no longer a currency, it's a control system so it's like a credit at the company store if every Central Bank comes out with a digital Central Bank currency, they have the ability to turn your money on and off. So if you don't behave that's it, and of course, as we know, they want to combine this with transhumanism, which means literally I take injections that can institute the equivalent of an operating system in my body. and so I'm hooked up to the financial system literally physically.
What is the actual effect of the lockdown measures?
I used to call the Patriot Act, the Concentration and Control of cash flow act, and this is a very similar process – you are trying to dramatically centralised economic and political control. So let me give you you a typical example. We have 100 small businesses on main Street in a community. You declare them unessential, shut them down. Suddenly Amazon Walmart and the big box stores can come in and take away all the market share. In the meantime people on main Street have to keep paying off their credit cards or their mortgage so they are in a debt entrapment, and they are desperate to get cash flow to cover basically their debts and their daily expenses. In the meantime you have the federal reserve institute a form of quantitative easing, where they're buying corporate bonds, and the guys who are taking up the market share can basically finance at 0 to 1% or their banks can, when everybody on main Street is paying 16 to 17% on their credit cards without income, so basically now you've got them over a barrel and you and you can take away their market share market share and generally they can't afford to do what they say because they are too busy trying to find money to feed their kids.
In the 2016 election cycle we saw the general population support candidates who represented populism in a variety of different ways. So Bernie Sanders was a populist relative to the other candidates. Donald Trump was a populist relative to the other candidates. literally what the global capital class realised was that they had a problem that could be solved by destroying the independent income small businesses and sole practitioners and people who had independent forms of income. So if you're a doctor or a lawyer or a CPA and you have your own practice, you are going to support the populist candidates, and so the way to shut the populist candidates down is to shut off their income and support, which is you put men straight out of business and then there's nobody to finance a Bernie Sanders or a Donald Trump.
so the lockdown measures appear to you to be more than an economic thing than a virus mitigation plan
So this is an economic war and you've basically had the top 1 percent... So since April, we've seen global billionaires increase their net worth by 27%. Now what that this has been a very successful global economic war, because what you are having is the sort of globalist capitalist class...I shouldn't call it capitalism because it's not, it's much more... It's economic totalitarianism. What you see is they've been able to consolidate fantastic amounts of economic wealth, not just by deleting the income of the middle class and consolidating it into their companies, but by significantly improving the wealth and power of the largest G7 developed countries and China vis-a-vis the emerging markets. the countries with the most advanced technology and access to AI and software and to the digital systems including through space are dramatically consolidating power vis-à-vis the weaker nations.
So we're seeing a consolidation of economic power, centralisation both into to the wealthier and the more powerful nations, and the top 1 percent who control them.
I would describe….What covid-19 is the institution of controls necessary to convert the planet from democratic process to technocracy, so what we watching is a change in control and an engineering of new control systems so think of this as the coup d'etat. It's much more like a coup d'etat than a virus. For 20 some years in the United States, we've had a financial coup d'etat. We knew at the end of 1995 a decision was made to move match.of.the acids and money out of the country. That was part of bubbling the global economy with globalisation, and they knew that once they've finished moving all those assets that they would have to consolidate and change the fundamental system. So after the financial coup, you've stolen all the money in the pension funds, you've stolen all the money in the government and now rather than turn and tell people well we stole your money, you need an excuse which will allow you to consolidate and change the fundamental system and so you have a magic virus. And the Magic virus says. "oh we have to to fundamentally change the system" and thanks to the magic virus there's no money in social security and thanks to be magic virus there's no money in the treasury and you have your perfect magic excuse.
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