
Showing posts from October, 2020

Anti-Covid1984 demonstration in Belgrade

Excerpts from speech:.  "You tried to shut us down once and we came out on the streets.. if you( Vućić) try to do the same again, we will come out again.... Wearning masks is unnecesary.. It is crime......we want to breathe air normally.... We  will not alow migrants to endanger our people.. We will protect our children...." Video: Belgrade demo

MPs complicit in the Covid1984 power grab will be prosecuted for fraud, treason and genocide. Top QCs on the case.

Every MP who voted to enact and retain the unlawful Coronavirus Act 2020 will be charged. The initiator of this action has a 100% record against fraud by big corporations such as the Bank of Scotland. A key point is that affidavits will be served against each individual MP. Blog post by organiser: Private Criminal Prosecution of Parliament Excellent interview:

Face masks are traditionally worn by slaves as tokens of their complete submission


Of course! Because they're healthy and represent no risk to themselves or anyone else!

This is the kind of madness that germ theory leaves us with. If people are to all intents and purposes well, then we should leave them to get on with their lives and not brand them on the basis of unproven theories and imaginary problems.

Symptoms, Experts and Diagnosis

Well if you think you can, there will always be some 'expert' to override you! Symptoms are beneficial – the body's restorative responses to enervating influences. The problem is diagnosis, whereby the body's attempts to restore balance and/or warn of imbalance or deficiency are represented as indications of the operation of mysterious malevolent agents which only "experts" can deal with.

This is just part of the script to bring as many wavering sceptics as possible onboard the virus delusion - corny manipulation.


They share the same goal of leading people up the garden path of the antichrist agenda.


Good for him!
