Euthanasia drug used to "treat" covid patients - hospital deaths and the use of extreme dosages.
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One of the main elements driving people's acceptance of, or even demand for, oppressive and unhealthy measures to deal with the alleged pandemic is the the fact that "people are dying". Many have experience of a loved one, friend or acquaintance who has died in hospital in harrowing circumstances. To raise any question about the dominant view of the nature of covid is seen as an insult to the memory of such folk, and to the brave health workers who fought to save their lives. I suppose those who cannot break out of that mindset will not even have read this far. Those who have, however, may be open to the possibility that getting out of our predicament may involve stepping outside such an emotional and mental framework for a while in order to get a fresh perspective.
To help in this process I will enlist the aid of observations made by Dr Claus Köhnlein, an experienced clinician who practices in Kiel, Germany, and describes himself as "a very orthodox internal medical doctor". Despite sharing most of his colleagues' belief in germ theory, he has seen enough of the skulduggery associated with the "viral epidemics" of recent decades to lead him to co-author the important exposé "Virus Mania", an updated version of which is now in the pipeline.
In his appearance appearance on Dr Sam Bailey's youTube channel, "PCR Pandemic: Interview with Virus Mania's Dr Claus Köhnlein", Dr Kohnlein shows viewers a graph of excess mortality in the European countries (including the UK) covered by the "Euromomo" mortality reporting site, which displays a marked spike in mid April 2020 compared to previous years. This is a very important period, because it is when many Europeans had the experience that death rates were higher than usual and covid panic soared to frenzied levels. "People are dying!" Yes, but why? Here is the transcript of the subsequent few minutes of the interview:
Dr Kohnlein: On accident (by chance) a friend of mine showed me some data from the WHO study, and I saw when they started the study - they started it at the end of March/early April, and I looked at the data and I saw that they started it with hydroxychloroquine in a very high dose, 2.4 g on the first day. Followed with 800mg for 10 days. So after 10 days people had almost 10 grams of hydroxychloroquine in their blood.
Dr Bailey: What would be a normal dose for hydroxychloroquine?
Dr Kohnlein: It's an old treatment. We have known it for years. We use it for prophylaxis on malaria. It's quite untoxic – I used it when I went to Singapore and Sri Lanka many years ago and we also have experience with rheumatic patients 8.45. they also take it for years in a dosage 200 - 400mg. That's relatively untoxic - you can take it for years. This treatment, this hydroxychloroquine has a very short therapeutic range. You can overdose it very easily, and that happened in April. This sharp increase - the only explanation is the overdosing of hydroxychloroquine. We had it also in Brazil and in England. People were dying like flies in April. I heard it from a friend of mine who takes care of the intensive station here in Kiel. They were telephoning with the colleagues in London and they got the message "they are dying here – it's terrible"and they were really anxious here in Kiel as well that this wave will come to us also, but nothing happened because we in Germany didn't use this high dosage.
Dr Bailey: With regards to potential covid-19 treatments, there have been several large studies this year, in particular the Solidarity, Discovery, Recovery and Remit trials. What is your analysis of these trials?
Dr Kohnlein:The Recovery study was a special English program. They use this high dosage of hydroxychloroquine. Of course doctors most noticed it after a while and then the studies were stopped. The studies were stopped all over the world. In Brazil they stop the study as well because of very bad heart complications. That's what I have to say. This hydroxychloroquine...if you use it in this high dosage it does (produces) heart arrhythmias. It does (produces) lethal heart arrhythmias. That's why it's used if you want to kill yourself.
Dr Bailey: For euthanasia.
Dr Kohnlein: The question is how could it happen? how could it happen that they take this high dosage. The leader of this study, professor Landry, was asked "how come you use this high dosage?" And he said "well, covid-19 is a new disease and we have to start with something." So that was his answer, and another colleague asked him "well but ok it's a reasonable answer but why the high dosage?" Then he said well he looked how they had treated amebiasis in the early days, and it was a similar amount of pills" and the other doctor said "well I never treated amebiasis with hydroxychloroquine. We used hydroxyquinoline. I think he confused it". This man is a dangerous man. That's the only explanation I had - it was the high dosage regime. It is immediately toxic and you get these lethal heart arrhythmias.
It was Boris Johnson. He was in that parapata window and all of a sudden he has to go to intensive care because... Probably because his arrhythmias were dangerous. Not everyone dies, but many are very susceptible, very old people have a bigger chance of dying from it, but since these studies are stopped there is no excess mortality in any country anymore.
Dr Bailey: What is your analysis of those trials? If you could summarise at least.
Dr Kohnlein: Well these studies... the solidarity Recovery and Remap studies...the remap study was done in Belgium and that is a very interesting point because Belgium is a direct neighbour to Germany. And can I show you this? We have this sharp increase in Belgium in the middle of April. and we don't have it here in Germany so this virus obviously stops at the border...... There's no other explanation than that it's the treatment which causes this damage.
Dr Bailey: Recently I read a case report from the Lancet that was published earlier this year, describing a 50-year old man who had fever chills coughing tiredness and shortness of breath and was diagnosed as having covid-19. He was then treated with antiviral drugs specifically interferon alpha 2B, Lopinovir and Rotinovir and antibiotic moxifloxacin and cortisone. Despite all of these treatments he died 14 days later. This case seems to indicate how deadly covid-19 can be, but what do you think?
Dr Kohnlein: The problem is that when a case report is published in the Lancet, that means that every doctor thinks well we can start with such a treatment, because this study was not published in the Lancet to show how damaging this treatment is, but because they wanted to show how dangerous covid-19 is... because despite of this treatment, the patient died. But you can easily, as a doctor, know that cortisone in these high doses - they gave him up to 500 mg of cortisone everyday.500! You usually treated with 50 mg, not 500. That stops your immune system completely so this patient had no chance.
Does this set any alarm bells ringing? But how deep is the problem? Beyond the issue of overtreatment, does the above highlight an erroneous principle at work? For two centuries, critical thinkers, principally those in the so-called hygiene movement, have been writing about the irrationality and danger of administering substances that cannot be metabolised to people with disease. While we may not want to go as far as some of them did in prescribing abstinence from all non-food substances, their basic argumentation is surely sound: what you would avoid in a state of health because of its toxicity should also be avoided in ill-health for the same reason.
Here are some extracts from H M Shelton's perspicuous essay on the topic, "What is a Poison?" (Page numbering as per Karl Anderson's collection of articles from "Dr Shelton's Hygienic Review")
What is a poison? Everything is poison that cannot be assimilated by the living organism and used by
it to sustain life. Every substance that can have no place in the normal metabolic processes of the body wastes the body's energies in resisting and expelling it, thus inevitably inducing debility and premature death. In other words, poisons are those substances which the living organism cannot use, but must resist and expel. pp60-61
Poisons are poisons by virtue of their own elemental character. They are not poisons by virtue of their simple relations to some individual organism. Substances that cannot be metabolized, and this means substances that cannot be transformed into cell substance, are of no possible use to the living organism in either a state of health or in a state of disease. The presence of such substances in the body can serve only as disturbing elements. They are foreign bodies and must be expelled, often at great expense to the organism. p61
Metabolism refers to the changes that foods undergo in being appropriated and used by the body. It involves the actual incorporation of food materials into the substances of the cell. It is a large part of the process by which we live and grow and develop. Substances which are not adapted to the normal processes of metabolism, whether introduced into the body from the outside or generated within the organism itself, are not usable by the body and invaribly prove to be harmful. A sane method of caring for the sick will not attempt to force the body to utilize substances that are not subject to its metabolic processes. p62
Perhaps now we can answer the question: what is a medicine? The body wants and can make use of only such substances as it can assimilate and use as food. There are no substances that can be so used in disease that cannot be used in health. This is to say, anything that is to be used remediably must bear a normal or physiological relation to the living organism and must be useful and needed in a state of health. When the public learns the truth, it will see the absurdity of talking about the physiological influence of drugs on the human body and will understand that no drug can have a physiological effect or influence, but that its influence is always and invariably pathological and that no man who understands the nature of disease or the so-called modus operandi of drugs will ever apply the term physiological to any disease-causing substance. Then the public will abandon the nonsensical and frankly contradictory facts of the medical profession and the practices built thereon.
Can a logical reason be provided why a person should swallow or permit to be sent into his blood and tissues by injection, a nauseous, noxious substance because he is sick? No such reason has ever been given; if it can be done, is it not high time somebody did it? It is everywhere admitted that drugs are poisons, that they are always poisons to persons in health. All of us are very careful to exclude them from our food and drink; we are well aware that if we take them into the body while we are well, we will become sick as a consequence. What person would dare to take an ordinary dose of penicillin, streptomycin or cortisone while in health? Yet, let him become sick and he swallows them, not only without fear, but as the essential condition of safety and recovery. It should be obvious that there is a terrible delusion abroad on this subject. p65
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