The Tide has Turned!
Cain and Cummings leave their Downing Street positions. Matt Hancock to be arrested within days. Massive online opposition to proposed vaccination. Continuing anti-lockdown/vaccination demonstrations and civil disobedience around Europe Kazakhstan shames "democracies", as it emerges that mask wearing and talking about a pandemic are illegal there More good news to come... Around the world the fakedemic is collapsing under the weight of its mendacity. Somewhere, deep in the collective human psyche, the last straw has broken the proverbial camel's back. Maybe that straw was the realization that it's me and my family they want to "vaccinate", and not someone else somewhere else. Here in Serbia, the darkest hour came after parliament met on Thursday to debate compulsory vaccination and to vote in new measures further restricting freedom of assembly and making it even harder to avoid wearing a mask. When only a handful of us turned up to protest ou...
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