Against Mask Madness

Dr Vernon Coleman's Book "Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good" is available as a fee download at It's arranged as a hundred points. These are some of my favourites in part or entirity (to be extended). If nothing else, read the damning indictment made by internationally renowned Harvey Street neurologist  and neurophysiologist,.Dr  Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD  PhD - point 38.

19. (excerpt)
Optimal oxygen intake in humans should, according to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration, be between 19.5 and 23.5% and that any human-occupied airspace where oxygen measures less than 19.5% should be labelled as not safe for workers. However, the percentage of oxygen inside a masked airspace generally measures 17.4% within seconds of putting on the mask.

20. (excerpt)
In Belgium, in September 2020, a group of 70 doctors sent an open letter to Ben Weyts, the Flemish Education Minister in which they claimed that children are badly affected by having to wear face masks. ‘Mandatory face masks in schools are a major threat to their development,’ they wrote. ‘It ignores the essential need of the growing child. The well-being of children and young people is highly dependent on emotional attachment to others.’
(Observing facial expressions help a child’s social development and so seeing those around them wearing masks must therefore delay a child’s development.)
According to The Brussels Times, the doctors continued that ‘there is no large-scale evidence that wearing face masks in a non-professional environment has any positive effect on the spread of viruses, let alone on general health. Nor is there any legal basis for implementing this requirement.’

22. (excerpt)
Two dentists in New York have reported seeing a number of patients with inflamed gums and other problems. The news story was reported in the New York Post.
‘We’re seeing inflammation in people’s gums that have been healthy forever, and cavities in people who have never had them before,’ said dentist Rob Ramondi. ‘About 50% of our patients are being impacted by this, (so) we decided to name it ‘mask mouth’.’
Another dentist, Marc Sclafani, told the New York Post that ‘gum disease, or periodontal disease, will eventually lead to strokes and an increased risk of heart attacks.’
The dentists said that the problem is caused by the fact that face coverings increase mouth dryness and contribute to a build-up of bad bacteria.

23. (all)
Masks diminish the quality of our relationships with other people. We trust people less if they are wearing masks. We cannot see smiles and so we fear people more.

24. (all)
When the truth finally comes out about the dangers of masks, teachers making children wear masks in schools will be sued. Bosses making their employees wear masks will also be sued. Ignorance is no defence. And as the Nuremburg defendants discovered the reply, ‘I was obeying orders’ is no defence.

25. (all)
A 26-year-old man suffered a collapsed lung after running 2.5 miles while wearing a face mask. Doctors say his condition was caused by the high pressure on the man’s lung, due to his intense breathing while wearing the face mask.

31.  (all)
There is no doubt that face masks can be dangerous. In China, two school boys who were wearing face masks while running on a track both collapsed and died – possibly, I would surmise, because the strain on their hearts by the shortage of oxygen proved fatal. At least two other deaths due to mask wearing have been reported in Germany

Dr Russell Blaylock, a retired neurosurgeon, has reported that wearing a face mask can produce a number of problems varying from headaches to hypercapnia (a condition in which excess carbon dioxide accumulates in the body) and that the problems can include life threatening complications. Symptoms of hypercapnia include drowsiness, dizziness and fatigue. Some of the carbon dioxide exhaled with each breath is retained behind the mask and then breathed in again.

34.  (all)
The risk of side effects developing when wearing a mask depend to some extent on whether the mask is made of cloth or paper or is an N95 mask filtering out at least 95% of airborne particles. One study of 212 healthcare workers showed that a third of them developed headaches with 60% needing painkillers to relieve the headache. Some of the headaches were thought to be caused by an increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood or a reduction in the amount of oxygen in the blood. Another study, this time of 159 young health workers, showed that 81% developed headaches after wearing face masks – so much so that their work was affected.

35.  (all)
An N95 mask can reduce blood oxygenation by as much as 20% and this can lead to a loss of consciousness. Naturally, this can be dangerous for vehicle drivers; masked bus drivers, for example, could be putting their passengers’ lives at risk.

38. (all)
Dr  Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD  PhD is a  leading European  neurologist  and neurophysiologist.  In October  2020,  she warned that rebreathing  our exhaled air, because of wearing  masks, will  create  oxygen deficiency  and  an excess of carbon  dioxide  in the  body. ‘We  know,’  she said, ‘that the  human brain is very  sensitive to oxygen deprivation. There  are nerve  cells in the  hippocampus  that cannot last longer than three  minutes without oxygen.’  Dr Griesz-Brisson pointed out that the  acute warning  symptoms of oxygen deprivation are headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, difficulty  in concentration and slowing  down of  reaction times. The  real danger is,  however, that  when the  oxygen deprivation becomes chronic, the symptoms disappear because the  body  gets used to them. However, efficiency  remains impaired and the  damage  to the  brain continues. ‘We  know that neurodegenerative  disease takes  years to decades to  develop.  If today  you  forget  your  phone  number, the  breakdown in your  brain would have  already  started two or  three  decades ago.’ 
Dr  Griesz-Brisson  explains that while  the mask wearer thinks that they  are  becoming accustomed to re-breathing  exhaled air,  the  problems within the brain are  growing  as the oxygen deprivation continues.   
She  also points out  that brain cells which die, because of a  shortage  of  oxygen, will  never be  replaced. They  are  gone  for  ever. She  goes on to argue  that everyone  is entitled to claim exemption from mask wearing  because oxygen deprivation is so dangerous  –  and masks don’t work.  
Finally,  Dr  Griesz-Brisson points out  that children and teenagers must  never wear masks, partly  because  they  have  extremely  active  and adaptive  immune systems but  also because their  brains are  especially  active  and vulnerable.  The  more  active  an organ  is the  more oxygen it  needs. And so the  damage  to  children’s  brains is huge  and irreversible. 
She  warns that dementia  is going  to increase  in ten  years,  and the  younger  generation will not be able to reach their  potential because of the  mask wearing.   Oxygen deprivation adversely  affects the  heart and the  lungs but  it  also damages the brain. And the  damage  will  be  permanent.   
‘My  conclusion has to be  that no one  has the right  to force  us to deprive  our  bodies of oxygen  for  absolutely  no  good reason. Depriving  individuals of oxygen is a  crime  perpetrated by  those demanding  that we  wear masks. Those  who let it  happen and those  who collaborate are  also  guilty. And those  who wear masks in situations  where  they  are  not  legally  required are  cooperating  in a  criminal activity.’ 
Inevitably,  Dr  Griesz-Brisson’s interview was  removed from YouTube  as part of  the global suppression of  medical information.   

41. (all)
The rules about mask wearing change from time to time and from one area to another (proving that there is no science behind mask wearing) and we never quite know what punishments to expect. In one part of America you could be sent to prison for a year if you failed to wear a mask. In another part of America you had to pay a 2,000 dollar fine but there was no prison sentence. In Texas, some people have been told that they should wear masks in their own homes. In one shop a guard pulled a gun on a man who was not wearing a mask.


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