
Showing posts from November, 2020

Against Mask Madness

Dr Vernon Coleman's Book "Proof That Face Masks Do More Harm Than Good" is available as a fee download at It's arranged as a hundred points. These are some of my favourites in part or entirity (to be extended). If nothing else, read the damning indictment made by internationally renowned Harvey Street neurologist  and neurophysiologist,.Dr  Margarite Griesz-Brisson MD  PhD - point 38. 19. (excerpt) Optimal oxygen intake in humans should, according to the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration, be between 19.5 and 23.5% and that any human-occupied airspace where oxygen measures less than 19.5% should be labelled as not safe for workers. However, the percentage of oxygen inside a masked airspace generally measures 17.4% within seconds of putting on the mask. 20. (excerpt) In Belgium, in September 2020, a group of 70 doctors sent an open letter to Ben Weyts, the Flemish Education Minister i...

The Tide has Turned!

Cain and Cummings leave their Downing Street positions. Matt Hancock to be arrested within days. Massive online opposition to proposed vaccination. Continuing anti-lockdown/vaccination demonstrations and civil disobedience around Europe Kazakhstan shames "democracies", as it emerges that mask wearing and talking about a pandemic are illegal there More good news to come... Around the world the fakedemic is collapsing under the weight of its mendacity. Somewhere, deep in the collective human psyche, the last straw has broken the proverbial camel's back.  Maybe that straw was the realization that it's me and my family they want to "vaccinate", and not someone else somewhere else.   Here in Serbia, the darkest hour came after parliament met on Thursday to debate compulsory vaccination and to vote in new measures further restricting freedom of assembly and making it even harder to avoid wearing a mask. When only a handful of us turned up to protest ou...

Choose your side! Major developments expected very soon.

Anyone who has done the least bit of research, knows that those pulling the strings want to reduce the world’s population drastically. There is no secret about this. Without stating the full extent of the planned cull, Bill Gates notoriously indicated some of the means in a TED2010 ‘Innovating to zero’ talk: “First, we've got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's headed up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by, perhaps, 10 or 15 percent.” Vaccines as a means of reducing the population - there in black and white, explicitly announced to the whole world. But because it was said by this smiling, homely “philanthropist”, I guess folk just thought somehow you could do that without anyone being hurt, no one near them anyway: It would somehow happen in Africa or somewhere like that and we wouldn’t have to look too deeply into the details.  But it turns ...

British cabinet and MPs complicit in the current reign of terror face arrest

Transcript of excerpts from November 5th update on prosecution of British government and MPs, by Michael O' Bernicia This is literally the first time in history that anyone has launched such a prosecution against the government and there is no precedent for it, so it has to be heard on its own merits before a jury and, quite frankly, the number of QCs and clerks from chambers of barristers who have contacted us over the past few weeks to offer free advice has become very obvious that we have the backing of almost the entire legal profession, so it stands to reason that if that's the case we'll have at least some judges who are also sympathetic.  What I think this lockdown and raising the terror level is all about is to try to claim that anybody who flouts the lockdown bulshit in lockdown 2 will be held as a domestic terrorist for flouting these b******* diktats, and in the event tha...

They that are whole need not a physician - the 1885 Leicester demonstrations and medico-governmental tyranny

Oppressive government 'health' policy is nothing new. In Victorian England, where smallpox death rates rose to unprecedented levels after vaccination coverage had reached nearly 96%, the people of Leicester, having lost so many of their children to "immunisation", led the way in opposing the government's iniquitous legislation mandating it. Theirs is a chapter of history we cannot afford to forget, so here is an account of the 1885 demonstration from "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History" by Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk (pp 107 to 110), which includes extensive quotations from contemporary sources such as the Times of London. "Because of the serious and sometimes fatal results of the procedure, and the government’s steadfast support of forced vaccination through fines and imprisonment, the people were motivated to revolt. In great numbers, they took to the streets of Leicester to protest. At the time of the...